C-TPAT Update from CBP

Thursday September 15th Seminar You are cordially invited to a workshop on:
C-TPAT Updates Provided by CBP
Brandie Tardie and Denny Padillo from CBP will provide a detailed overview of the C-TPAT Updates functionality and discuss frequently asked questions, new enhancements, and more. This seminar will also increase your knowledge of C-TPAT Certification and Validation and how this can be efficiently managed through the portal. We encourage you to bring your laptop since free Wi-Fi will be provided so you can work in the portal real -time to get your questions fully answered by CBP and learn more about the following:
C-TPAT Trusted Trader Concept
- Overview of the strategy and framework
Trade Facilitation and Enforcement Act
- What does it means for C-TPAT?
C-TPAT Program Updates
- Mutual Recognition
- C-TPAT Minimum Security Criteria Work Group
- C-TPAT Best Practices Work Group
Overview C-TPAT Portal 2.0 Transition from Portal 1.0 to 2.0
- Trade Organizations and Security Models
- System Compatibility
- Status Verification Interface (SVI)
- Security Profiles
- Brandie Tardie: Supervisory Supply Chain Security Specialist
- Denny Padillo: Supply Chain Security Specialist, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Miami C-TPAT Field Office
- Lisa Gelsomino: President/CEO of Avalon Risk Management, Co-Chair of the TSN Supply Chain Security Committee, COAC Global Supply Chain Subcommittee and C-TPAT Working Group member
When: Thursday September 15, 2016
Time: 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Where: Topco Building, 150 Northwest Point Blvd, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
Cost: No Charge to Members and Non Members
C.C.S. or C.E.S. Points 3 points
September 15, 2016
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Venue: Topco Building