CCBFA PRESENTS: What importers/brokers should and should not do when faced with a new AD/CVD investigation on their product.

February 15, 2018
2-4 pm at the Topco Building
Presented by
Andrew T. Schutz, Esq.
Partner at Grunfeld, Desiderio, Lebowitz Silverman & Klestadt LLP
The last year has seen an unprecedented number of AD/CVD cases filed and there is no end in sight. As antidumping and countervailing duties affect more and more imports, the presentation will focus what importers/brokers should and should not do when faced with a new AD/CVD investigation on their product and how to deal with future imports subject to AD/CVD duties. This will include: What to do a when a new case is filed potentially covering your product? How to determine whether participating in the case is necessary? How to monitor the case effectively? How manage AD/CVD liability on future imports?, among others.
What importers/brokers should and should not do when faced with a new AD/CVD investigation on their product.
February 15, 2018
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue: Topco Building