Dear Members of the CBFAA,


Please  note updated contact information from FDA. Chicago and Illinois ports are under the jurisdiction of FDA Division of Northern Border Imports.  Please see the PGA folder on this website for the complete list of Northern Border FDA Port Offices which comprise the states of ID, IL, IN, MI, ME, MN, MT and ND.


Division of Northern Border Imports

Division Management Overview

Sandra K. Sylvester, Acting Division Director

Vacant, Director, Investigations Branch (East)

Sherea Dillon, Director, Compliance Branch (East)

Eric Joneson, Director, Investigations Branch (West)

Vacant, Director, Compliance Branch (West)


Compliance Branch: If you need to contact the monitoring Compliance Officer, please use the specific contact information provided on your FDA Notice of Action.


Entry documents and electronic private laboratory analytical packages can be submitted using the Import Trade Auxiliary Communication System (ITACS) at


Electronic private laboratory analytical packages may also be submitted via email to the Compliance Officer listed on the FDA Notice of Action.


The status of an entry may be checked using the Import Trade Auxiliary Communication System (ITACS) at