CCBFA Committees

CCBFA Committees

Public Relations Committee

Photos at CCBFA events, including Holiday Party and Golf Outing (including recording of ‘Hole-in-One’ contest). 

Charitable Activities Sub-committee co-ordinates charity contributions/activities, including area food drives and monetary contributions. Please contact for more information on this committee.


Scholarship Committee

The committee reviews the applications for compliance to the noted requirements.  Once compliance is determined the applicant narratives are read by the entire committee.  From all the applications 3 or 4 awards are given each year. Please contact for more information on this committee.


Customs Committee

The Customs Committee meets once per quarter with top CBP officials here in the Port of Chicago including the Port Director. Assistant Port Directors, and Chief Officers of Entry and Cargo Clearance/Control. In addition, CBP will bring in other specialists from their team should a specific agenda item require it. The purpose of our meetings is to bring to the attention of CBP, and resolve when possible, issue/concerns that our members or their clients may have with CBP operations in the Port of Chicago or in some cases nationally.

Participation on the committee is open to all interested association members (subject to space limitations). Members are also encouraged to send any concerns, for the committee to address with CBP, to our e-mail address at For those members that attend we generally have an agenda plan meeting the week prior to our meeting with CBP. Attendance at the agenda plan meeting is required in order to attend the meeting with CBP the following week. Please contact the Committee at  for more information on this committee.

Golf Outing Committee

The Committee is responsible for the association’s Annual Golf Outing to be held the second Thursday of July.  The Committee decides on the venue, food, drink, sets time frames and sends invites.  It also coordinates event sponsorships, hole sponsors, sponsor signs, contests, centerpieces, volunteers, room set up, door prizes, registration, pictures, video, etc.  There is at least one Committee meeting in the spring to decide on details.  Members are expected to assist with brainstorming, pick-up/drop-off of sponsor signs, shopping, craft night (when needed), set-up and take down the day of the event.  Please contact for more information on this committee.

Holiday Party Committee

The Committee is responsible for the Holiday Party that takes place the second Thursday of December each year.   The Committee books the event, selects entertainment, and a theme.   Several meetings are scheduled beginning in September to determine a theme, the centerpieces, decorations and invites.   Members are expected to assist with brainstorming, shopping, craft night (when needed), set-up and take down the day of the event. Please contact for more information on this committee.

Bylaws Committee

The By-Laws Committee revises and updated the official by-laws of the association and responds periodically to questions of regarding the conduct of meetings, votes and issues related to qualification for membership. Please contact for more information on this committee.

Education Committee

The primary activity of the Education Committee is the planning and organization of the association’s monthly education seminars which are free to members.  The seminars organized by the committee regularly draw attendance among the highest of any international trade organization in the Chicago area.  Speakers include representatives various government agencies and trade experts. Please contact for more information on this committee.

Legislative Committee

The CCBFA Legislative Committee communicates with U.S. Representatives & Senators on behalf of the Board of Directors of the CCBFA regarding legislation related to conducting customs business, international movement of freight, transportation, infrastructure, and issues related to the various agencies that regulate brokers, forwarders, related import/export trade business members.  

We primarily communicate with the legislative offices representing Illinois, Wisconsin, and Ohio.  CCBFA’s Legislative Committee coordinates with the NCBFA Legislative Committee.  CCBFA members are encouraged to contact the Legislative Committee to raise or voice opinions on issues, so that we can present to the CCBFA Board and/or bring to the attention of the National organization.   Throughout the year, as directed by the President of CCBFA, letters supporting or opposing relevant bills are sent to Congress.  

Every year, Legislative Committee members arrange meetings for CCBFA members who attend the NCBFA General Affairs Conference in Washington DC.  The meetings are on Capitol Hill in the Congressional offices, and we typically assign two to three CCBFA members to meet with the office with each Representative and Senator of IL, WI, and selected offices from OH.  Prior to the meetings, the offices receive position papers to familiarize them with the laws of importance to CCBFA and to explain why CCBFA supports or opposes each bill.  After the GAC, the Legislative Committee contacts each office to provide additional or specifically requested materials and continue the open communications, presenting CCBFA as a resource for trade related bills.  Please contact or more information on this committee.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee works with the other Committees to promote the CCBFA as well as benefit its members.  The Membership Committee facilitates new applications for membership and renewals.   The Committee assists new applicants to become members by directing them to the website application, answering any questions the applicant may have and processing the application.  Upon receipt of a new application and payment, the Committee members will review the applicant business structure to confirm their eligibility in the correct category of membership. The Committee will then call for a vote to approval the applicant.  Once approved, the committee will communicate with the applicant the approval.  The Committee will also work with other Committees to help the member volunteer if they desire. Please contact  for more information on this committee.

Transportation Committee

Reporting changes, trends and barriers in Import and Export transportation:   AMS, AES, FMC Regulations, IMO and changes to transportation that effect the industry overall. Please contact for more information on this committee.

Website Committee

The Website Committee works with all the other committees to insure the CCBFA Website is working, functional, up to date with activities and functions. The Website Committee works with our website provider. Please contact for more information on this committee.


Chicago Regulatory Committee

The Chicago Regulatory Agency Committee is also called “Local RAC”.  This committee focuses on a variety of OGA updates throughout the month.  One important update they provide is a monthly listing from FDA of which FDA specialist is working on each broker’s entries, as FDA rotates this monthly.  Other updates from agencies such as EPA, DOT, are also helpful and are provided to our Board.  Our Board reviews these updates, which we most often send via “blast” emails to our membership and then post on our website for easy access.  The activities of Local RAC are also closely linked with our National Regulatory Agency Committee as information and updates can be overlapping.  Sending out these updates is a great benefit to our local membership. Please contact for more information on this committee.



Committee Chairman and Other Committee Members
By-Laws Committee ChairDavid Forgue
By-Law Committee Co-ChairMatt Clark
Customs Committee ChairLaura Austrins
Customs Committee Co-ChairJonni Amidon
Education Committee ChairJustin Campbell
Education Committee Co-ChairChevy Hiland
Export Committee ChairLisa Waller
Export Committee Co-ChairJay Doyle
Legislative Committee ChairMatt Clark
Legislative Co-ChairDavid Forgue
Membership Committee ChairMerit Tremper
Membership Committee Co-ChairMatt Clark
Public relations Committee ChairJay Doyle
Public Relations Committee Co-ChairLisa Waller
Scholar Ship CommitteeMary Peglow, David Pasco, Lisa Hennessy, Justin Campbell and Jay Doyle
Golf Outing Co-ChairDavid Pasco
Golf Outing Co-ChairRussell Kazmierczak
Holiday Party ChairChevy Hiland
Holiday Part Co-ChairsLorrie Roddy and Merit Tremper
Transportation Committee ChairJay Doyle
Transportation Committee Co-ChairRussell Kazmierczak
Website Committee ChairMerit Tremper
Website Committee Co-ChairJustin Campbell
NCBFAA Area 5 DirectorScott Larson
NCBFAA Regulatory Agencies Area 5Debbie Ruscutti